( ) over 100 million years they ruled the earth.
- ( ) に当てはまる前置詞を書きなさい。・・・For
- they はここでは何ですか? ・・・Dinosaurs
They varied greatly ( ) size and shape.
- ( ) に当てはまる前置詞を書きなさい。・・・in
( A ) were very big like the tyrannosaurus. It was thirteen meters long. ( B ) were as small as a dog.
- A するものもあれば、Bするものもあったという文にするために、AとBに当てはまる言葉を書きなさい。
The most likely cause is an asteroid that struck Mexico.
That completely changed the earth’s environment.
- 下線部Thatの内容を英語で端的に答えよ。
An asteroid stuck Mexico
They used those mosquito fossils that are tens of millions of years ago.
- They が指す単語を1語で書きなさい。
- ( remained / in / trapped / they / amber ) 語順を並び替え、意味の通る文にし、意味を書きなさい。
They remained trapped in amber.
The scientists take out dinosaur DNA from the blood. Then they clone dinosaurs from it.
it の指す内容は何か?書きなさい。
it = dinosaur DNA
But is it scientifically possible to bring dinosaurs back to life that way?
it の指す内容は何か?書きなさい。
it = to bring dinosaurs back to life that way
- Were there small dinosaurs?
Yes, there were.
If there were, how small were they?
They ware as small as a dog.
- Why did the dinosaurs become extinct?
The most likely cause is an asteroid that struck Mexico. That completely changed the earth’s environment, and so the dinosaurs couldn’t survive.
- Where do scientists take out dinosaur DNA from in the movie Jurassic Park?
They take out the blood from the fossils of mosquitos that fed on tens of millions of years ago.
1. ( ) 2015 = 2015年に
( )に当てはまる前置詞を答えよ・・・答え in
2. A year later, a tick was discovered in a 99 million-year-old piece of amber.
Scientists believed it had fed on dinosaur blood.
it は何か?
答え・・・a tick (ダニ)
3. Scientists believed it had fed on dinosaur blood. の文でhad fed 大過去になっている理由は?
答え・・・believed 信じた、の前の時間のこと、9900万年前にダニが恐竜の血を餌としていたから
4. But this didn't contain any dinosaur DNA either. のthisはどういう意味ですか?
答え:this = a tick in a 99million-year-old piece of amber
5. DNA breaks down rapidly.
break down = 分解される、熟語
rapidly = 「急速に」副詞
6. It decreases ( ) half every 500 years.
it は何を指すか、また、半分に、になるために( )に当てはまる前置詞を答えよ
it = DNA、前置詞はby
7. Taking out dinosaur DNA from fossils may not be impossible, but it is very unlikely to happen.
itの意味を英語で答えよ。be very unlikely to 〜の熟語の意味を答えよ
it = taking out dinosaur DNA from fossils
be very unlikely to 〜 = 〜する可能性はとても低い
8. What did Dr. Susie Maidment find in 2015?
She foud red bloodcells in dinosaur bones.
9. So far, are there any scientists who have found dinosaur DNA?
No there aren't.
10. Why is it difficult to find dinosaur DNA?
Because DNA breaks down rapidly.
1. Some scientists think so.
so はどういうことか?
There might be another way to bring dinosaurs back to life.
2. They are interested in creating dinosaurs from their descendants living today.
They は何か?
Some scientists that think that there might be another way to bring dinosaurs back to life.
their は何か?
3. Since then a lot of feathered dinosaurs have been found. のthenはどういう意味か?
then = in 1996、中国で重要な証拠である恐竜の化石が見つかった時
4. These discoveries とはどういうことか?
5. dinosaurs had a lot ( )( ) with birds
答え・・・in common
6. as it turns out の意味は?
7. as it turns out のitは?
not all the dinosaurs became extinct 66 million years ago.
8. They changed their apperance and became today's birds.
they の意味は?
the = a few dinosaurs which didn't become extinct 66 million years ago.
9. What are the descendants of dinosaurs?
They are birds.
10. What do the discoveries of a lot of feathered dinosaurs suggest?
They suggest that dinosaurs had a lot in common with birds.
11. According to the speaker, did all the dinosaurs become extinct 66 million years ago?
No, they didn't. A few lived on.
1. He believes it will be possible to create an animal almost the same as a dinosaur.
it は何を指すか?
it = to create an animal almost the same as a dinosaur
2. But in the course of evolving into birds their long tails became short ones, and their arms became wings.
ones とは何を指すか?
ones = tails
3. You can turn a bird back into a dinosaur by reversing these changes.
these changes とは何か?
Dinasours' long tails bacame short ones ,their arms bacame wings, and their snouts turned into beaks.
4. In 2015 a team of researchers succeeded in changing a bird's beak into a snout like that of a dinosaur.
that は何を指すか?
that = a snout
5. Maybe soon they'll manage to create a whole "chickenosaurus."
they とは何か?
they = some scientists who are trying to make a dinosaur tail from a bird's
1. A: playing,
B: to start
2. A: painting
B: to go
3. A: eating
B: drinking
② chased